Cartas de lectores


Cartas de lectores


Hugo Pomata


Septiembre 1996


Cartas de lectores

Señor Editor:

Por la presente pongo en su conocimiento que durante el XXIV Meeting Anual de la International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery (ISPN) realizado en Ottawa, Canadá, entre el la Argentina fue votada como sede para este evento para el djunto, la efectué durante la Asamblea que celebramos 8 y el 12 de julio del año en curso, año 2004. La propuesta, que a anualmente los miembros titulares presentes (este año aproximadamente 180), y fue aprobada por unanimidad como asimismo mi nominación como presidente de ese futuro: el XXXII Meeting Anual de la ISPN.
Dada la importancia que estimo tiene para la Neurocirugía argentina esta decisión oficialmente aprobada por la Asamblea y autoridades de la ISPN, creo indispensable ponerlo en su conocimiento para que desde ahora se le dé la difusión que merece un Congreso Internacional a realizarse en nuestro país.
Sin otro particular, aprovecho para saludarlo muy atte.

Hugo Pomata

Ponencia presentada por el Dr. Hugo Pomata ante la Asamblea de la ISPN

"Since 1987 many of you know that I have been asking for Argentina to be the host to the Annual Meeting of the ISPN.
Yesterday 1 learned that once again my proposal has been rejected. There is no rational support for this decision.
From an economical point of view, the Meeting organized in Santiago by Dr. Basauri was a success, and this is South America.
From the point of view of our capability as organizers you only have to look the development of the World Federation under the guidance of an Argentine, Dr. Basso.
I must remind you that each year in Buenos Aires alone (I'm not speaking about whole country), we perform over 2,000 suegeries (so active are the numerous teams that we have there). I ask myself how many pediatric neurosurgeries are done each year in Monaco.
From a historical point of view, all of you know my thoughts about the debt that the ISPN owes to Carrea.
Today I ask you to set a date for the Meeting in my country.
And believe me, what we feel outside the door (the Executive Board), Argentina is impotence because we do not have any possibility to discuss its decisions. I believe you should think about that.
Yesterday I was disappointed. Today I am tired. I'm not sure but perhaps this is for me the last time for this request. lf that is the case I expect that somebody else, younger than me, will take my place".

Hugo Pomata

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